For Immediate Release
RALEIGH, NC - 07/01/2022
Contact: Robert L. Ford,
Dr. Patricia Curtis receives the North Carolina Poultry Federation Appreciation Award
Dr. Patricia Curtis receives the North Carolina Poultry Federation Appreciation Award
Raleigh, NC - The North Carolina Poultry Federation (NCPF) held a joint meeting with the NC State University Prestage Department of Poultry Science on June 28, 2022 at the NC State University Club in Raleigh, NC. During the meeting, President Dr. Alice Johnson (Butterball, LLC.) presented Dr. Patricia Curtis with the NC Poultry Federation Appreciation Award in recognition of her dedicated service and valuable contributions to the North Carolina poultry industry. Dr. Curtis, who was named Department Head of the Prestage Department of Poultry Science in 2017 will retire effective July 1, 2022 after 15 years of service with NC State.

Since 1968 the North Carolina Poultry Federation has been the voice of the state's poultry industry. Serving producers and processors of chicken, turkey, and egg products, the Federation provides a united industry voice to government, media, and the general public. Our mission: To create a favorable climate for business success for everyone involved in North Carolina's poultry industry.
Story credit: North Carolina Poultry Federation
July 1, 2022